Gordon Pilet Ph.D., LCSW
Dr. Pilet earned his Ph.D. from the University of South Florida where he specialized in Psycho Educational Techniques in Adult Learners. His research on the subject of anger has been referenced internationally. He has designed a research proven Anger Management Program and has trained numerous Mental Health Interns in new methods of addressing both suppressed and expressed anger issues.
Besides his Ph.D. from USF, he also has an additional Ph.D. in Theology, and 3 Masters Degrees in Social Work, Criminal Justice and Management. He is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the State of Florida, and a Senior Social Worker that actively supervises other Social Workers seeking Licensure under 491.
His clinic, located in Hillsborough County, was the first to be State Certified in Domestic Violence and he was instrumental in organizing the initial training and certification at Tampa’s MacDill AFB. Dr. Pilet was the Liaison for the 1993 Governor Domestic Violence Initiative for 3 years, where his duties included researching materials for committee review which later resulted in the 1996 Florida Domestic Violence Law. His Ph.D. Dissertation on the impact of an Anger Management program within a 26 week DV Program have been recognized and used internationally. He has been certified as a First Responder and has been deployed to national disasters, including that of devastation and destruction to New Orleans, by hurricane Katrina.
Among other things, he is a member of the Family Court Advisory Counsel, is a Certified First Responder, State Certified Domestic Violence Assessor and Facilitator. He enlisted and served in the U.S. Military where he held officer rankings and retired as Major in 1997. He is a two time combat veteran, retiring from the Air Force with over 30 awards and decorations. He is the Director of the Men’s Program at Interventions, where he also functions as trainer, assessor, facilitator and psychotherapist. His award winning book, Love: Lost & Found is now in its 3rd edition.
He and his Wife, Cary Pilet had their own Radio Show, Solemates2Soulmates which broadcasts weekly on IRNBROADCAST.COM and on Tantalk1340.com (Monday Nights at 8pm), with a significant following for their weekly materials.
Gordon Pilet Ph.D Resume
Domestic Violence and Anger Management Experience/Background

Cary Pilet, MSN, ARNP
Cary Pilet completed her Bachelors in 1987 from Capital University. She was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant after graduation and served in various positions across the US. She was a Fellowship recipient from Florida State University School of Nursing where she completed her Masters of Science Degree and was later licensed in Family Practice Medicine as an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner. After completing her Master’s Degree she was “activated” to serve as Deputy Chief Special Operations Command Medical Clinic.
Her singular accomplishments in promoting medical initiatives at Special Operations Command resulted in her selection as Officer of The Year. She currently holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel having served over 16 years Active Military Service. She has been awarded multiple awards to include Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, and Air Force Commendation Medal, to name a few.
Cary has been a strong advocate for change in the treatment of victims of Domestic Violence. After being State Certified as a Domestic Violence Assessor and Facilitator she turned her attention to becoming a Woman’s Advocate. She designed a curriculum that addressed the challenges survivors of Domestic Violence face and specifically wrote materials that worked to empower women in overcoming the trauma of surviving a battered relationship. Her model works to build self-esteem and self-worth, while teaching women techniques directed towards self-improvement and relationship mastery. An accomplished speaker and author she has made presentations across the country.
Additionally she designed and facilitated parenting, conflict resolution programs that included topics specific to women that struggle to meet the economic, career, and family challenges of women without role models. She serves as a member of the Family Court Advisory Committee and the Domestic Violence Task Force.
Cary continues to write, lecture, broadcast and publish. She co-authored the award winning book, Love: Lost & Found, which is now in its 3rd edition. She also has co-authored numerous materials in Anger Management, High Conflict Parents, Parenting, Substance Abuse, and Women’s Advocacy.

Rebecca Pilet
Rebecca Pilet-Johnson started working for Interventions in January of 2015. Prior to this she had been a stay at home mom with her three beautiful children, now ages, 17, 14, & 10. While raising her children, she continued to pursue her education. She has a Masters of Science in Counseling Studies, graduating with a 4.0 GPA, and a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences, Cum Laude. Once all of her children were school-aged, Rebecca decided it was time to go to work, utilizing the education she had received.
Rebecca was raised with a strong work ethic and the inspiration to help others. Working at Interventions Enterprises affords her fulfillment on many levels. From assessments to personal counseling, she mentors Intervention’s clients through some of the toughest moments of their lives. Each client is treated with respect and care. Rebecca never loses sight of each individual’s end goal.
Adjunct Facilitators and Staff
Bernice Rodriguez
Senior Administrative support.
Jeffrey Merin, PH.D.
Dr. Merin is a private practice, Licensed Psychologist. Additionally, he provides clinical advice in high risk cases and has made significant inputs into the parenting, high conflict parenting and anger management programs. Although his private practice takes most of his available time, Dr. Merin specializes in adolescents and teens where he performs extensive evaluations for various agencies who strive to provide improved case management services. His association with Sidney J. Merin and Associates spans over 15 years.